5 Year Plan: The Second Step

College Graduation:
Finally, this day has come. A day that I have been waiting for my whole life. A day that I thought would never come to me. The day I graduate college.
Thinking about being finished with undergraduate college is crazy to me. This is all I have been working towards when I was in school, and now it’s just one ceremony that will be over in a few hours. I am so happy with my choice of Tyler School of Art and can’t image myself being at any other school for four years. This place will always have a place in my heart since I have experienced growth, heartbreak and developed as a human being here.
I am very excited to start a new chapter in my life, but I am also very anxious for entering into the unknown. Yes, I have many freedoms in college, but it is still an institution I must follow rules in and still was supported by my parents. Now, it is all up to me. Graduation has been a struggle to get to and now I can finally begin my journey. I am able to create a life I have always wanted.

Moving into my first apartment:
Excitement and nerves flutter in me as I witness my life being packed away. All of my belongs condense into different sized boxes with scribbled on labels. Checklists are constantly running through my head as my thoughts are scattered everywhere. This journey has been exhausting but is definitely worth all the tears, late nights, stress, and money spent.
I have been waiting to move into my own place since I was in grade school. This day had always felt like it was so far in my future and feels unreal that it is all happening today. Living in this new apartment, in a place I love dearly, is somewhat intimidating and scary but I welcome the change with open arms.
I am ready to start living completely on my own. I will finally be in charge of all aspects of my life without the constant need of my parents’ stability. Yes, it will be strange at first but I know that I will get more comfortable with time. Moving into an apartment that is all mine is a dream come true.

Getting my first job:
Ever since I began college, I was never sure as to what I wanted to do with my life. Four years at Tyler School of Art has opened many avenues for me and I have gone through many obstacles to find my true passions in life. Art has been such an important part of my character and I feel lucky that I can continue to grow my skill and incorporate art in all aspects of my world.
Throughout my time in college, I would constantly hear how my generation was having such issues finding jobs and how it was especially going to be hard getting a stable job after art school. For a long time, I didn’t even know what area I wanted to focus on, which made this process much more challenging for me. This being said, I am beyond happy to be starting my career today.

I am very nervous to begin but just keep telling myself that it will all work out and everything happens for a reason. After moving to a place I love and now getting a job in the field I desire, I can slowly see my life shaping into what it’s meant to be. I am ready to do what I love for so many years to come and can’t wait to see where this job will take me.


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