Homework #1 Read and Respond

My So-called Opinions by Zachary Fine

As supported in the article, millennials tend to be classified as being negative, unproductive and not as knowledgeable about politics. I have heard this common assumption and misconception many times and I thought it was interesting how the article challenged that notion. Zachary Fine wrote that millennials could be “plagued not by apathy but by indecision”, this statement rings true as there is much pressure put on the younger generation of society which causes them to have doubts and second guess actions they take. Fine later talks about how millennials might stress over the things they enjoy because unrealistic expectations could be strongly impacting their choices. I found it enlightening and relatable when it was written how a simple “I like what I like” can turn into a complicated series of questions. Outside controls can easily sway and alter opinions, causing for an unsure sense of self.

I found it interesting how this article also brought up the complex idea of pluralism, stating how millennials are more willing to accept differences from other cultures and types of people. The use of the internet helps to defend this claim since that generation grew up with the heavy influence of technology to learn about other societies from around the world with just a click of a button. Millennials could have an advantage this way by being able to view the world with a more accepting and moral stand point, overall resulting in a more conjoined community in the future.

The Collected Ingredients of a Beijing Life by Holland Cotter

This article supports the idea that anything can be art. I love the concept of Sing Dong’s childhood home being maintained and displayed for all to see. The installation at the MoMA showcases private belongings and the culture of their family which could connect with the viewers on a more relatable and personal level. Since the mother, Zhao Xiangyuan, followed the “Cultural Revolutionary dictum” intensely, I would be very interested to witness first hand all of the items she kept and cherished.  This art exhibit constructed is different from the ordinary exhibitions at the MoMA, which makes it important to the development and analyzation of what art is.

Holland Cotter continues to explain how Mr. Song and his wife, Yin Xiuzhen, would travel to broken cities in search of remains that can be saved and kept. Once again, this stresses the belief of how anything can be viewed and studied from an artistic standpoint. It is essential to preserve the art in society since it also holds history and stories that can be told for generations to come. Sing Dong makes a point of how what some could interpret as everyday items, could be a source of creativity and memories to someone else.


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