Everyone is Altered

Digital editing on stars has become the norm in society and has given all viewers a false sense of reality. Most all current stars in pop culture, in advertisements to movies, have been touched up in some way; even the most flawless stars can request enhancements. I found it interesting that before all of the technology, actresses found ways to edit themselves manually in efforts to look younger and prettier, either with tape or buttons. Now, digital editing is an expected part of the digital realm despite the cost and time. I never realized how long companies would spend to edit people’s faces or bodies. In the article, an example is given that a woman wanted to be edited in all the frames she was in for a show and the work took multiple months.

It’s frustrating to me how normal people look up to these stars and hate themselves, when really no one looks like that. Due to this, large corporations might even try to cover their tracks by asking the companies to not take credit for their work. That is so wrong to me because the companies should still get noticed for all the hard work they put into production. Along with that, the producers should at least have the decency to not lie further to the public and own up to their negatively influential actions. This issue in Hollywood has become a widely known problem and has prompted various stars to speak out against Photoshop. I wish more push back would take place since digital editing only creates hate for one’s own body and jealousy for an impossible life.


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